Sunday, January 23, 2011

My Busy Busy Weekend

This weekend seemed to just fly by. It started out just like any other weekend and then just took off. We woke up on Saturday morning and then Tim had to be at the SPCA for work. He volunteered for a few hours with some people at his work. After he was done, we walked around and looked at all of the animals. I got backed into a corner because both Tim and Justin want a cat, but of course I won when I put my foot down. I refuse to have a cat.

From there, we dropped Justin off at my parents house while we went to the memorial service of Tim's friend who passed away earlier this week from a massive heart attack at only 28. It was tough.  

When we came home, we ate dinner and watched Despicable Me. That was such a funny movie. We all loved it.

Today was a day of cleaning beyond belief. We cleaned up the entire living room, dining room, and kitchen. I also did some laundry. Then we all took a break and went to Walmart and Target.

When we came home, I scrubbed the entire floor on my hands and knees. Boy did it need a good cleaning. All I can say is that I sure am going to be sore tomorrow.

And now, I am just relaxing on the couch waiting to hear from my wedding photographer. She is supposed to stop by tonight to deliver all of my pictures from the wedding. I am so excited I can't wait. It's hard to believe that it's been 2 1/2 months since we got married.

I'm hoping that it will be an early night so I can get some good rest tonight.